Sunday, March 15, 2009
didn't updated yesterdae bcos too tireedd!!! i was the IT fair....IT WAS SUFFOCATTING!!! ii wish somehow they would make us pay for the admissions....because practically SINGAPOREANS go there to browse without any reasons...arrggg!!! with their BLOODY STROLLERS!!!!! ii wouldn't anytin but!!!!!!! please say EXCUSE ME!!! or SORRY!!! at least when crushin those strollers at my legs!!!!!!!!!! arrrggg!!! darn it!!!! i was practically bein like smashed up together!!!! like squeezeein thru my place!!!!! stupid!!!! arrgggg!!!! so me,my bro and my cousin shouted and even and unknown caucasian man pushin behind us shouted!!! JES*S CH*IST why the heck aren't they movin!!!!!!!!! hahas!!!! ii prefer foreigners man!!!!! polite and friendly!!!! arrggg!!! where the hell is our cute lion COURTESY FIGURE man!!!!!! ARRGGG!!! so on to maii disastrous adventure which eventually turn out a new HOT desktop!!!! its AWESOME!!!!! i should have taken a pic out of iit!!! and the price pretty reasonable man!!! so today i probably go for an asus laptop or an LG laptop.... hmmms.... then my samsung MP3...its HOT and AWESOME u guys!!! hahas...i will upload iit soon^^ hahas!!! then lastly grabbin a camcorder^^ samsung too!!! TAE HA MIN GU!!!!! hahas!!! i wish i could grab more but need to save for korea trip this winter maebi~ not confirm edna tiang shu hua!!!~ ahahas!!! so now iim usiin maii cousiin gtg... goin to the FAIR AGAIN!!! arrgg!! dreaded~ thousands flockiin down and i will probably suffocate again!!! patients or those who are prone to heartattacks i warned u NOT TO EVER COME TO THE FAIR!!!!!! better go mustafa centre....better see the banglas holdin hands rather than people constantly pushin u and passin out their gases anihow~!!!! the smelll is FREAKISHLY HORRIBLE!!!!!!! hahas....will update a.s.a.p^^ see ya !!!` annyeong!!!!~

Friday, March 13, 2009
i can tell dat iim freakiishly a lazy ARSE! but i will try updatin...thnks to hyewonnie for pushiin me! please help me out...iim not techonologically advanced! muahaha! ii need a blog to crap out... and its all about! ME! ME! and ME! of cos...self centered aren't i? nah... pictures tells a thousands words about my FANTASTIC! FABULOUS! life^^....arrggg!!! now i guess i need to update loads...haiis... dreaded....kalyisah!! HWAITING!!!! GAMBARE!!!! arrggg!!! its killin me... iim outx...T.T~! and lastly